Empower Thyself

Initiation Into The Lineage of King Salomon

Initiation means the act of beginning something.

With this class you not only receive a physical initiation and 10 times more power, you are also equipped with tools to take greater control of your life and manifest more of the good things you desire in your life. You will also learn ancient teachings that have been kept within the lineage for thousands of years.

If you desire the personal empowerment to take greater control of your life and experience more flow with the world around you, this transformative 2 day class is definitely for you.

What to Expect

What you’ll receive with initiation:

  • Receive 10X the power to flow light into your life

  • Rituals to empower you in your life

  • Ancient knowledge and spiritual truths have been handed down from teacher to student for thousands of years

  • Greater Spiritual Protection

  • Clearer sense of yourself