Lineage of King Salomon

Core Values & Beliefs

Learn about what the Lineage of King Salomon and the Modern Mystery School stands for.

The Modern Mystery School

The Modern Mystery School is comprised of a group of individuals who have dedicated their lives to the creation of World Peace through spiritual empowerment and progression. The school holds the energetic keys of the Lineage of King Salomon, and the teachings have been taught teacher to student in an oral tradition for over 3,000 years!

In 1997, Founder Gudni Gudnason opened the Modern Mystery School to the public. This is the time of no more secrets, and because of the challenges our planet is facing today this knowledge is needed more than ever before!

The Modern Mystery School has initiates in over 50 countries, with headquarters in Toronto and Tokyo.

The path of the Modern Mystery School requires us to live life through the wisdom of our heart instead of the business of the mind, and to constantly choose what is right and good for ourselves and those around us (especially if one pursues higher levels of initation). The path of initiation opens up new doors of possibility for each person, helping the initiate to see and actualize their highest potential.

This is a path of magick for the good of all, and constantly working on knowing yourself at a deeper level. The work of an initiate is never done! We must always grow and strive towards perfecting ourselves as human beings.

Learn more at The Modern Mystery School International Website

The Modern Mystery School is led by three Lineage Holders, known as the Third Order:

Gudni Gudnason
Dave Lanyon
Hideto Nakagome

The Third Order

  • Gudni Gudnason

    Gudni Gudnason was born in Iceland and grew up steeped in the mysteries. He traveled widely to receive teachings and initiations in a myriad of traditions. His teaching career spans over 40 years of Kabbalah, Alchemy, Metaphysics, Quantum Physics, and much more. He is a multidimensional being and constantly creates as an artist, a producer, a philanthropist, and a musician

  • Dave Lanyon

    Dave Lanyon came to the Modern Mystery School from decades of teaching martial arts and personal development and was initiated into the lineage in 2004. He is a true warrior of light and channels his experience in martial arts and self-discipline to teach others to recognize their negative ego and rise above it.

  • Hideto Nakagome

    Hideto Nakagome was initiated into the lineage in 2000 and has since become a master healer and the leader of the Ensofic Ray Institute. He holds the deep wisdom and humor that comes from a lifetime of esoteric study and practice across Buddhism, Shamanism, and the Lineage of King Salomon.


In 2017, when the Third Order was initiated, the Council of 12 was also activated. The Council of 12 is a group of 12 women, high-level initiates from all over the world who serve as leadership for the Modern Mystery School.

The Council of 12 work directly with the Third Order to execute the directives of the Hierarchy of Light for service to humanity on this earth. The 12 women provide council, confirmation and conference to the members of the Third Order about the various projects and missions of the MMS.

The women who occupy the seats of the Council of 12 rotate through their roles as is needed so you will see some of these women shift and change year-to-year.

The installation in 2017 has allowed for the Goddess power and connection with the Shekinah to be anchored through these structures of the Third Order. This manifests as the implementation of the various levels of operation required for the running of the Modern Mystery School.

updated As of 2018, the first women to occupy the seats on the Council of 12 are:


Eiko Gudnason
Luisa Nakagome
Tsukiko Kimura
Maiko Machiya
Sincere Rohi (Hiroko Ito)
Hitomi Shibuya


Franca Lanyon
Kate Bartram-Brown
Rita van den Berg
Liza Rossi
Ann Donnelly
Theresa Bullard


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